Saturday, February 23, 2008

Turned Blocks

I've been working on a new project all week and thought I'd show you how these blocks are made. I didn't know until Kim told me and gave me the measurements.
These are 6 inch "T" blocks that I made with fabrics that the members of two of the guild groups I used to belong to and went to yearly retreats. This was done at the 1995 retreats. We each cut about a 10 in square of our favorite fabric and then on a piece of muslin we were to sign our name and anything else we wanted. Then we traded. I made these T squares out of mine. Had 57 which includes my own. Found them a week ago and decided it was time to do something with them. Thank goodness many had the date on them so I knew when.

I mentioned this to Kim and asked for suggestions and she said why not the Wonky blocks. She had made something last year with them. I had no idea how these were made so she told me to cut a 12 x 2 1/2 in rectangle. That's 5 1/2 in. longer than the block.
These really are from Sharon Craigs book called Twists and Turns..
See how I have the ruler on this rectangle? You slice it diagonally across this block. You need two of these for each block. Ending with 4 odd shaped pieces

Here's a few of the blocks
You then take one of the long triangles and using the straight edge sew it onto one side of the block. Leaving an inch or so open at the end for finishing.

See how I have it? Doesn't matter which side you start with.

Then taking another piece sew it starting on the opposite end and sew through the top of the last one.
And so all around. When you get them all sewed you go back and finish sewing the end of the first one. Magic

You end up with blocks looking like this. Tales sticking out all around. That's why you have to have that long a rectangle to begin with.

Then what we all LOVE to do we take the square and square each block up. Mine came out to 8 3/4

Here's the finished block.

I tried to match the outside with the colors of the T. So I have a very colorful quilt top.
Tomorrow I will show you the layout. and what else I am doing with this.

This is really sort of sentimental as I haven't been able to leave and go to retreat for the last 3 years since my hubby has gotten unable to take care of himself. Several of the women whose name I have on these are now deceased. We had some great times at those retreats on the banks of the West River which flows into the Potomac.

See you all tomorrow.

1 comment:

merrily row said...

So you are into intructional blogs now, very nice. My maiden name starts with a T and wonky certainly applies, may have to make this one. Will watch your progress