See here is the complete quilt. I put the poinsetta blocks all around the border. This is on my regular size bed and is pulled down over the quilt chest so show the border. I machine quilted it, mostly in the ditch on my Juki. The borders I used the free motion templates that you fastened on with tape on either side. Sure helps this gal that is not up on free motion.
The other day I was looking through my old little black binder I have used for receipes through out my married life. Found a cookie receipe cut out of the paper that just looked like I should make them. They are called LEMON WHIPPERSNAPPERS . So simple using a box of Lemon cake mix, 2 eggs and Cool whip. and powdered sugar.
The picture doesn't look like the picture on the receipe. But they taste pretty good. I left the last batch in too long and they got a little dark and crisp.
The thing is , I haven't made any cookies for years. Just felt like it.
I want to make some Snickerdoodles also. Maybe tomorrow since we have snow outside and I don't have to go any place.
Got caught in the snow today. They said maybe a dusting. So I went on in to Swimming and then had my hair appointment after. By the time I came out there was close to an inch and still snowing. I do not like to drive in the snow. But my car did fine. The main roads at least had a clear lane but when I got to the turn into my road which winds up onto the mountain and has a big curve going up. It started to slide, I let up on the gas and turned the wheel and it sort of took over, going very slow and I tried to keep the wheel turned like I should and finally I was up to my house and turned into the carport and I was never happier to get home. I do not like to drive in the snow.
So I came home and started to sew on these string blocks which is the last clue # 3 I believe.
Well, Bring on the next one Bonnie,. Sure hope you have it in Vegas to post it in the morning.
I wasn't to hep on doing strings but once I got going on them, cut lots of sizes of strips , It was really fun. I used old printed paper from my printer. It was heavier than phone book paper but I didn't have a phone book large enough. Yes, one came the other day. It worked fine, it's what I have used for paper pieceing. It rips of easy.