See here is the complete quilt. I put the poinsetta blocks all around the border. This is on my regular size bed and is pulled down over the quilt chest so show the border. I machine quilted it, mostly in the ditch on my Juki. The borders I used the free motion templates that you fastened on with tape on either side. Sure helps this gal that is not up on free motion.
The other day I was looking through my old little black binder I have used for receipes through out my married life. Found a cookie receipe cut out of the paper that just looked like I should make them. They are called LEMON WHIPPERSNAPPERS . So simple using a box of Lemon cake mix, 2 eggs and Cool whip. and powdered sugar.
The picture doesn't look like the picture on the receipe. But they taste pretty good. I left the last batch in too long and they got a little dark and crisp.
The thing is , I haven't made any cookies for years. Just felt like it.
I want to make some Snickerdoodles also. Maybe tomorrow since we have snow outside and I don't have to go any place.
Got caught in the snow today. They said maybe a dusting. So I went on in to Swimming and then had my hair appointment after. By the time I came out there was close to an inch and still snowing. I do not like to drive in the snow. But my car did fine. The main roads at least had a clear lane but when I got to the turn into my road which winds up onto the mountain and has a big curve going up. It started to slide, I let up on the gas and turned the wheel and it sort of took over, going very slow and I tried to keep the wheel turned like I should and finally I was up to my house and turned into the carport and I was never happier to get home. I do not like to drive in the snow.
So I came home and started to sew on these string blocks which is the last clue # 3 I believe.
Well, Bring on the next one Bonnie,. Sure hope you have it in Vegas to post it in the morning.
I wasn't to hep on doing strings but once I got going on them, cut lots of sizes of strips , It was really fun. I used old printed paper from my printer. It was heavier than phone book paper but I didn't have a phone book large enough. Yes, one came the other day. It worked fine, it's what I have used for paper pieceing. It rips of easy.
Your Poinsettia Christmas is lovely! I used a Juki on my 1st frame. It is a workhorse. We love those cool whip cookies. You can use any flavor cake mix. I am a choco-holic, but the lemons are my FAVS! I hope you have a wonderful holiday. We have family coming: my parents from Tx and our AF DD from South Dakota...OH and FOUR dogs! OH DEAR!
Your quilt is beautiful! Sixty string blocks is a lot---good for you for finishing them! We will spend Christmas with Anne and Paul and the boys. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I'd rather sew strings than drive in the snow any day!
the quilt turned out gorgeous. This is my first mystery and I'm Really enjoying it.
Quilt looks good. Isn't it wonderful to be Finished? I made the same cookies this week... but with chocolate. Don't think I had a box of lemon cake mix. Easy and tasty.
LOVE that quilt on your bed! Great colors and design. You always do such nice work! Wishing you a warm and wonderful Christmas!
I think your setting for Poinsettia Christmas is wonderful. Mine is still in two stacks of blocks...someday I will get it together! Thank you for the recipe, I will try it!
I love your pointsetta Christmas quilt. So glad that life is getting you back to sewing and swimming and things. Hope you have a great holiday! We will be at my daughter's for Christmas this year as it is easier with her and her 1 1/2 year old. My son and his wife will also come there with his three children As well as her in-laws. Looking forward to family time and can't wait to see the faces of the wee ones, a 1,2 and 7 year old added to the mix. Enjoy your family! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Your poinsettia Christmas quilt is stunning. It has that "glow" that makes it special. Looks like you are making good progress on Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll. Hope your mountain Christmas is not too too snowy. Stay in, keep warm, and stitch. Hope you see lots of family for the holiday as we expect to do. Merry Christmas
Congratulations on a beautiful finish. Merry Christmas to you Eileen and your family.
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