Then yesterday I had to go to the grocery store and thought about taking my camera and hoping for a red light at his intersection so I could snap a picture. This is the tree I mentioned in my last blog. Just kept getting redder and redder.
I was going to the store for this shot, then on the way home I had a red light for a bit but got this snapped a little early but you can tell the size.
This is the main street in town. Originally the first road to Washington. and Baltimore, Route 40. But now called Alternate 40 with the new one about 5 miles north which has been replaced with Interstate 70. The road to the East to Baltimore and Washington DC. 60- miles .
Not much else to talk about today. It's early as Hubby just can't seem to sleep or stay quite for 7 hours during the night. I have a lady coming at 9 so I can get to my swimming at 10 to 11 and then I need to head into town to the used book store for Hubby. He's been reading the Trailsmen series by Jon Sharpe and he's missing some numbers so I need to hunt them down. Try to trade in the ones he's read.
Hope to get a little sewing this afternoon. Oh, and we are finally getting some rain. Even heard some thunder about an hour ago. We really need it. Thanks for stopping by.
oh, how beautiful. I love fall! Our trees just have a tinge of yellow. Since I live south of you, I'll probably not get good foilage until a week or so.
What a lovely picture, all those fall colors are so vibrant.
Gorgeous pictures, Eileen. I like the town photos you posted last time also. Have a great day!
A red tree! Spectacular!
I was thinking as I was reading (a dangerous thing) that you are pretty quick to be sitting in traffic and snapping away. Very impressive, indeed!
I love the shots out of you windows. It means so much to me to look out of the windows in our home, and to find someone who loves to look out on nature and revel in it makes me love yha even more!
Thank you.
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