Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ramblings of an Old Women

I just realized it has been well over a week since I last posted. Really not that much to report on quilting wise. It takes a long time to make one of Bonnie's quilts with all the small pieces. I now have all the 3 patches made and have started to sew two of them together but am getting waylaid on other things I can't talk about or show you.

What I did want to do was update you on Hubby's progress. He was in the hospital for 5 days while they tried to get his kidneys back working properly. Dr. said they were down to almost 0 so it's no wonder he had gotten so weak. They gave him antibiotics and IV's all week then sent him back to Rehab on Sat. He is in a different section of the nursing home now so has to be taken up to the rehab but he has been surprised at how much strength he had. Usually 4 days in bed and he was down to nothing. But guess he really wants to come home. They have said possibly the 22 of this month.He just had his 80 birthday this past week so really is doing pretty good.
My dd and her two youngest were up for overnight. She wanted Angela to come see her Pap Pap before she goes back to college. Seems impossible that she will be a Junior already. They have gone home now but had a nice visit. Dan slept in the hospital bed which is his Pap Pap's now. He thought that was neat.

This will be a boring blog as I have no pictures to show and no good tales to talk about . Just wanted to let you know all was well.

Oh. I have started swimming in water aerobics. But this month it is at 7:30 in the morning. I get up early so really not a problem but it was chilly out yesterday and rainy all day. The pool is covered though and the water is heated . Really feels good. Thanks for stopping by.


Nancy said...

Posting should be the least of your concerns with the full life you lead. We are practically neighbors..... I'm just over the line in Pennsylvania.

Hugs to you and your family and special hugs to your husband. You are truly an inspiration.


quiltmom anna said...

Hi Eileen,
It sounds like you have been enjoying your time quilting, gardening, swimming and of course being with your hubby when you can. It is nice to know that he is doing a little better.
I am sure you are always delighted to have your family there visiting with you. It is wonderful that they do visit as often as they can.
I look forward to seeing your newest quilt. Bonnie's quilt patterns are always so rich with color _ I am certain yours will be very pretty.
Warmest regards,

retirednana2008 said...

I love reading your blog & stop by almost daily to see if you have posted anything. Good to get the updates on what you're doing & how Hubby is getting along. Don't know who came up with the term 'golden years' but speaking from experience, they're aren't always so golden.....especially when these ole bones go to creaking!! ....but we'll enjoy them anyway!! Take care & keep in mind that you are truly an inspiration to many!

Kim said...

What do you MEAN you can't talk about or show us what you're working on?!

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

Boy I have missed emailing you - sorry, I was running behind myself for a while.

Thank you for the post. You are never boring. One of the students in my embroidery class is copying the acorn tea towel I made for you. I guess she like it.... Everyone is working on a tea towel now, bowl of fruit, they are all different yet cute.

Just wanted you to know you have been in my thoughts.